Thursday, September 22, 2011

How do I change that picture on my ASK page?

I have a picture I want to replace that goofy looking gray image with. I copied the picture into something called a %26quot;seal%26quot; but that gray image is still there even after restarting my computer.How do I change that picture on my ASK page?
?? To make a cartoon avatar, provided by Yahoo! ??

1. Go to your Yahoo! Answers profile.

2. Click on the button near the top that says EDIT INFO.

3. You should see three boxes. All the way to the right, there should be a box that says %26quot;Use my Yahoo! Avatar%26quot;, and then right beneath a button that says %26quot;Edit My Yahoo! Avatar%26quot;.

4. Click it.

5. It will take you to the link.


Just type in in the search bar at the top of your webpage. Make sure you're logged on.

?? To make a picture as your avatar, you have to activate your Yahoo! Profile ??

To do so…

1. Go to your Yahoo! Answers profile

2. Click on “Edit My Info”.

3. You will see three boxes, one of which says “Use My Profile Picture” underneath. It should have a picture of your avatar in it. Click the link underneath the picture that says “Edit My Profile Image”.

Once you set up the profile, after being asked to fill out some information (i.e., your name), you will be taken to a page that should be displaying your avatar, unless you haven’t made one. If you have not made an avatar, it will appear as a gray smiley face.

1. Click on “Change Photo”; the tab will appear if you hover your cursor over the picture that appears on your Yahoo! Profile.

2. You will see a pop-up line that has two options: “Add Photo” and “Customize Avatar”. To upload a photo, click on “Add Photo”.

3. You will see a line that has a button that says “Browse”.

4. Find the picture you want to upload, click “Upload”, and then crop it to size.

5. To use a photo as your primary, or display photo, select the one you want: the Yahoo! Avatar, no picture or the uploaded picture. Then click on “Use Selected Photo”.

NOTE: The picture you upload MUST be under 5MB, and it MUST be in the JPG or PNG format.

?? To get your photo to show up when you ask and answer questions on Yahoo! Answer… ??

1. Go to your Yahoo! Answers profile

2. Click %26quot;Edit My Info%26quot;

3. You will be taken to a page where you will see three boxes. One says %26quot;No Picture%26quot; underneath the box, one says %26quot;Use My Profile Picture%26quot; underneath the box, and one says %26quot;Use My Avatar%26quot; underneath the box. Check the circle next to the one that says %26quot;Use My Avatar%26quot; or next to the one that says %26quot;Use My Profile Picture%26quot;.

4. Scroll down.

5. Click %26quot;Preview%26quot;

6. Click %26quot;OK%26quot;

7. You're done.How do I change that picture on my ASK page?
That gray image is your current Avatar. If you wish to change it, check the steps below to ensure you did all of them. Click on %26quot;My Profile%26quot; in the green box in the upper right of this %26quot;Yahoo Answers page to open your profile.

1. Click the %26quot;Edit My Info%26quot; link.

2. Click %26quot;Edit My Yahoo Avatar%26quot; under the current one on the far right.

3. In the next page that opens, click on the category tabs above to find items to try on.

4. Click on the Appearance tab to change the avatar's face, eyes, and hair style and color.

5. Click on the %26quot;Apparel%26quot; tab to choose an outfit.

6. Click on the Extras tab to select bags, jewelry, eye ware and scarves. Check the other tabs too, to see if you'd like any other options.

7. When you spot something you like, click it, and you'll see the new look in the %26quot;Avatar Preview Window%26quot; on the left pane.

8. If you don't like it, uncheck it under %26quot;What I'm trying on%26quot; in the %26quot;Preview Window.%26quot;

9. When finished selecting/saving each item, go to the new avatar on the left and click %26quot;Save Changes%26quot; in the orange bar under it. Go to your new Avatar on the right and click Use My Avatar.

10. Scroll to and click on Preview, then OK.

A sign in seal is different. It's what you add to your Yahoo Account.

Create a Sign in Seal

Don’t be an easy target of phishing scams. Protect yourself from password theft and fight phishing. It’s free! A sign-in seal is a secret message or image that you create to help protect your Yahoo! Account from Phishing. Phishing - a play on the word “fishing” –is an attempt to steal your password and private account information.

Creating a sign-in seal is fast and easy. Once you do, look for it every time you sign-in to make sure you’re on a genuine Yahoo site.

If your seal does not appear, beware. You could be on a fraudulent site. Although there may be other reasons you’re not seeing it. Use this link and follow the prompts to create one.

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